Hillandale is located in Maryland on both sides of New Hampshire Avenue north of the Capital Beltway in Montgomery and Prince George's counties (view the map). This site is dedicated to providing you with information about the community and is maintained by the Hillandale Citizens Association (HCA) which was established in 1937. Community NewsHCA Listserv We would like to invite you to join our new listserv on Groups.io which is limited to households within the Hillandale community! There, you will be able post messages to all members for various topics such as:
You control the free subscription and how you wish to receive emails or opt out. Ready to join? Click here: https://groups.io/g/HCAgroup The link will take you to the home page and then do the following:
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing webadmin@hillandale-md.org Hillandale Bulletin Read the latest bulletin here. 2024 Membership Drive The Hillandale Executive Board is excited about our future and we want you to be part of it! All of our board members are unpaid but dedicated volunteers. Please consider joining the HCA.
Our modest budget supports all of the above as well as the Hillandale Bulletin which is mailed free-of-charge to all Hillandale households. We are still a very active neighborhood association with a history that goes back decades. Each year we solicit a voluntary $20 dues contribution from all households in the greater Hillandale community. Although not mandatory, the money helps cover our basic operating expenses each year and pay for community activities such as the holiday party and National Night Out. If you have a PayPal account you can pay your dues online with this link: Living in HillandaleHillandale Next Door NextDoor is a social media site and app specifically for neighbors to connect online. All neighbors in the Hillandale area can join the "Hillandale" groups here. Beginnings of Hillandale For some fascinating historical photos showing early Hillandale view the PDF. County ServicesMontgomery County Alert Service Montgomery County can use the Roam Secure Alert Network to contact you during a major crisis or emergency. Alert Montgomery delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates to you on all of your devices at once. For more information about the program and the many other services offered please visit MC311 Prince George’s County Alert Service Prince George’s County offers alerts for important news, events and emergency notifications via registered devices. For more information and to sign-up for messages, please visit Alert Prince George's Get email notifications of news and events Send us an email to be added to our list to receive occasional notifications of community news and HCA events. You can opt-out at any time. HCA respects your privacy and does not share your email address with any third parties. We welcome your suggestions to improve our website! If you would like for us to include something of interest to the community on the site please email the webadmin . |